Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We rule the world. Why?

Today I am trying to help a Native American woman who lives at my housing authority (the one I work for not own, though as a tax payer, I might have partial ownership and I certainly own it emotionally but that’s another post) sell a flute made by her brother. She needs the money to pay a utility bill. The flute is beautiful and she is asking only $150 for it. But of course no one wants to pay that. So, I mentioned that her brother lives in Seattle. The only thing more romantic than a Native American, is a Native American who lives in Seattle. White people are so weird. And as one, I know. Just to prove my point, here is a picture of the Queen visiting Virginia for the 400th Anniversary of the founding of James Town. Doesn’t she look smitten? (That's a Virginia Indian though not a Seattle Indian.)

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Was she able to sell the flute? Good luck to her.